how can we help?
Need a priest?
Please call the Parish House at 845-279-2021
Annointing of the Sick & Hospital Visits
If you are in the hospital, you may have filled out those privacy forms at the doctor’s office. New laws restrict the amount of information that can be given about a patient. If you or a loved one have been admitted to the hospital that may mean a Catholic priest or lay minister of communion may not be aware that you are Catholic and would like a visit.

Bereavement Ministry
From Mourning to Joy
Bereavement support to help you move through the grief process. Receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, healing, and peace of mind.
St. Lawrence/Sacred Heart’s bereavement support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. The program Griefshare provides short videos combined with small group discussions. It will help you discover what to expect in the says ahead and gain solid support each step of the way.
Meets every Saturday, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM in the Parish Center Boardroom.
Contact [email protected] for more information

Separated/Divorced Ministry
Journey of Hope
Discover trusted, spiritual, and emotional support for divorced and separated Catholics. The Journey of Hope program by Lisa Madrid Duffy offers support from a truly Catholic perspective and addresses the important issues divorced/separated Catholics face. This is a video-based program with ample time for discussion, accompanied by a book and workbook. Schedule
Topics include:
Dealing with Anger?
Can you receive the sacraments?
Helping your children heal.
Finding hope for the future.
Contact Janice at [email protected] for more information

Answering the call of compassion!
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is showing love and bringing joy, being a good listener, and praying with one another. It is an expression of the care our parishes have for their members who, for whatever reason, can’t be active.
Volunteers will visit, listen, love, pray, and enjoy Catholic fellowship. For more info or to join us, contact Beatrice Jacobsen, Pastoral Care Coordinator at St. Lawrence O’Toole & Sacred Heart [email protected]

Pregnancy Resources
Gianna's House
Gianna’s House is a Christian service organization that compassionately reaches out to women facing an unplanned pregnancy, helping them meet the challenges of continuing their pregnancy and caring for their child. Contact Gianna’s House
- pregnancy tests
- pregnancy counseling
- educational classes
- Material assistance/baby boutique
- post-abortion support
- fatherhood program
- adoption referrals
- community assistance referrals
- abstinence training