abortion politics
“As Catholics, we know that all human life, from the moment of conception, is infused with an immortal soul by
“As Catholics, we know that all human life, from the moment of conception, is infused with an immortal soul by
Gambling? I remember driving away from Atlantic City on the Causeway and passing billboard after billboard. Most of them
Cremation: good or bad? The practice of cremating bodies after death is not new, but it has become more popular
Cannabis Craze Public opinion seems to have shifted in favor of the legalization of marijuana and state after state
Polyamory is Adultery. The last few years have seen a trend in articles in mainstream media about “polyamory”, which
Yes, Divorce is Bad. Some things we get used to, but we shouldn’t. Things like gambling, drinking excessively, and
One of the more outrageous demands LGBTQ advocates and even some schools are making is that some kids know they
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