SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Ven a la plenitud del ¡Iglesia católica! Los adultos que no han recibido todos sus sacramentos y aquellos que desean convertirse al catolicismo pueden comenzar el hermoso viaje hacia la plenitud de la Iglesia Católica a través de nuestro próximo programa RICA. El curso de seis meses le educa sobre la fe y la tradición […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Men’s Ministry at St. Lawrence is weekly meeting of catholic/Christian men in the parish/neighborhood on Saturday mornings from 7am to 8:30am in the Large Conference Room (2nd floor) of the Parish Center. It is a great way to start your Saturday off on the right foot and still have the rest of the day for […]
New York Room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Tuesdays, Mar 18 – Apr 15 with Consecration Day at Holy Thursday evening service English 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM New York Room We have offered this opportunity in English and Spanish several times over the last year. It has been life-changing for many people. If you haven’t consecrated yourself to Jesus in the Eucharist […]
Jerusalem Room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
TELLING YOUR STORY AS A CATHOLIC WRITER Tuesdays, Mar 25 – Apr 15 7:00 PM—8:30 PM Jerusalem Room Not everyone is meant to be a published author, but we all have a story to tell. Whether we write it for ourselves, our family, or a wider audience, we will benefit by reflecting on our stories […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Adults who have not received all their sacraments and those who wish to convert to Catholicism can begin the beautiful journey to the fullness of the Catholic Church through our upcoming RCIA program. The six-month course educates you on the Catholic faith and tradition through video and discussion. Confirmation will be at the Easter Vigil […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Ven a la plenitud del ¡Iglesia católica! Los adultos que no han recibido todos sus sacramentos y aquellos que desean convertirse al catolicismo pueden comenzar el hermoso viaje hacia la plenitud de la Iglesia Católica a través de nuestro próximo programa RICA. El curso de seis meses le educa sobre la fe y la tradición […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Men’s Ministry at St. Lawrence is weekly meeting of catholic/Christian men in the parish/neighborhood on Saturday mornings from 7am to 8:30am in the Large Conference Room (2nd floor) of the Parish Center. It is a great way to start your Saturday off on the right foot and still have the rest of the day for […]
New York Room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
The St. Lawrence O’Toole Seniors extends an invitation for new members to attend our monthly meeting, held on the second Monday of each month. Light refreshments are served, and it’s a great opportunity to socialize and share relevant information about upcoming programs and events at St. Lawrence and in the community. The meeting is open […]
New York Room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Tuesdays, Mar 18 – Apr 15 with Consecration Day at Holy Thursday evening service English 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM New York Room We have offered this opportunity in English and Spanish several times over the last year. It has been life-changing for many people. If you haven’t consecrated yourself to Jesus in the Eucharist […]
Jerusalem Room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
TELLING YOUR STORY AS A CATHOLIC WRITER Tuesdays, Mar 25 – Apr 15 7:00 PM—8:30 PM Jerusalem Room Not everyone is meant to be a published author, but we all have a story to tell. Whether we write it for ourselves, our family, or a wider audience, we will benefit by reflecting on our stories […]