New York Room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Thursdays, Jan 30-Feb 27 PM Session: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM New York Room Genesis Part 2 begins with the unfolding of the stories of Isaac and Jacob and takes us to Egypt with Joseph, his brothers, and their clans. Part one was offered in the Fall, but new people will still enjoy joining in […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Adults who have not received all their sacraments and those who wish to convert to Catholicism can begin the beautiful journey to the fullness of the Catholic Church through our upcoming RCIA program. The six-month course educates you on the Catholic faith and tradition through video and discussion. Confirmation will be at the Easter Vigil […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Ven a la plenitud del ¡Iglesia católica! Los adultos que no han recibido todos sus sacramentos y aquellos que desean convertirse al catolicismo pueden comenzar el hermoso viaje hacia la plenitud de la Iglesia Católica a través de nuestro próximo programa RICA. El curso de seis meses le educa sobre la fe y la tradición […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Tuesdays, Jan 14– Feb 25 7:00 – 9:00 PM Large Conference Room We are all fascinated by angels. Although they are mysterious, the Bible is full of passages about angels who are sent to accomplish God’s will. Angels in the Bible examines some of the most fascinating passages about angels, exploring their ministry on God’s […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Thursdays, Jan 30 – Feb 27 AM Session: 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Large Conference Room Genesis Part 2 begins with the unfolding of the stories of Isaac and Jacob and takes us to Egypt with Joseph, his brothers, and their clans. Part one was offered in the Fall, but new people will still enjoy […]
New York Room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Thursdays, Jan 30-Feb 27 PM Session: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM New York Room Genesis Part 2 begins with the unfolding of the stories of Isaac and Jacob and takes us to Egypt with Joseph, his brothers, and their clans. Part one was offered in the Fall, but new people will still enjoy joining in […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Adults who have not received all their sacraments and those who wish to convert to Catholicism can begin the beautiful journey to the fullness of the Catholic Church through our upcoming RCIA program. The six-month course educates you on the Catholic faith and tradition through video and discussion. Confirmation will be at the Easter Vigil […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Ven a la plenitud del ¡Iglesia católica! Los adultos que no han recibido todos sus sacramentos y aquellos que desean convertirse al catolicismo pueden comenzar el hermoso viaje hacia la plenitud de la Iglesia Católica a través de nuestro próximo programa RICA. El curso de seis meses le educa sobre la fe y la tradición […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Adults who have not received all their sacraments and those who wish to convert to Catholicism can begin the beautiful journey to the fullness of the Catholic Church through our upcoming RCIA program. The six-month course educates you on the Catholic faith and tradition through video and discussion. Confirmation will be at the Easter Vigil […]
SLOT Parish Center, large conference room
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Ven a la plenitud del ¡Iglesia católica! Los adultos que no han recibido todos sus sacramentos y aquellos que desean convertirse al catolicismo pueden comenzar el hermoso viaje hacia la plenitud de la Iglesia Católica a través de nuestro próximo programa RICA. El curso de seis meses le educa sobre la fe y la tradición […]
Dining Hall
11 Eastview Ave, Brewster, NY, United States
Extend an Invitation. Curious about faith? At Alpha, you can ask anything -it’s a safe space to question life, faith, and meaning. Everyone is welcome. Alpha is a free course that creates space for everyday people to participate in conversations about life, faith, and God. Each session includes a video and a small group discussion where you will be able to […]
Sacred Heart Church
414 Haviland Drive, Patterson, NY, United States
Extend an Invitation. Curious about faith? At Alpha, you can ask anything -it’s a safe space to question life, faith, and meaning. Everyone is welcome. Alpha is a free course that creates space for everyday people to participate in conversations about life, faith, and God. Each session includes a video and a small group discussion where you will be able to […]