News & Resources
For the ongoing National Eucharistic Revival, St. Lawrence hosted a unique and unprecedented series featuring all the auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of New York at five special Holy Hours to offer their personal reflections on their personal experience of the Eucharist and what it has meant in their lives.
Stay up to date on what’s going on at our Churches on the east side of Putnam County, NY, St. Lawrence O’Toole in Brewster, and Sacred Heart in Patterson.
Each Thursday, Fr. Gill offers some thoughts on the Gospel to be proclaimed on the coming Sunday so we can get to Mass with our hearts and souls prepared to hear the Holy Spirit speak to us.
Looking to go deeper in your prayer life? Listen to the homily from the Sunday Mass and meditate on the Word of God.
Read these mini-reflections by Lynda Holler, Director of Discipleship, then follow up with a Scripture passage and call to action suggestions.
Articles include event recaps with photo galleries and parishioners’ stories,
Recent Posts
Jan 26: Sunday Preview
Fr. Rich shares that this Gospel should come with a disclaimer! Don’t do this at home! Jesus is talking about a specific period in time,
What’s Your Purpose In Life?
Fr. Rich shares with us that the US has the lowest life expectancy. It stalls out at 77 years old. Korea and Japan is at
Faith of Our Church
The Laudate app has a trove of great material for Catholics, and I particularly like their Saint of the Day section. It usually begins with
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Looking to go deeper in your prayer life? Listen to Fr Gill’s homily from the Sunday Mass and meditate on the Word of God.
Jan 19: Sunday Preview
Fr. Rich shares some insight into the first miracle of Jesus that kicks off his ministry. His mother, Mary, is intimately involved in his ministry
Moral Revolution
Fr. Rich recently saw the new Gladiator movie. It made him think how our civilization has moved on from this type of fighting and crowds
Planning Ahead
We all knew kids in high school that didn’t bother to do their homework or study for tests. They thought their classes were a waste
Baptism of the Lord
Looking to go deeper in your prayer life? Listen to Fr Gill’s homily from the Sunday Mass and meditate on the Word of God.
Jan 12: Sunday Preview
St. Luke’s gospel is a simple rendering of the Baptism of Jesus. Fr. Rich shares how we are in the Christmas season and there are
Getting Back to Morality
Fr. Rich shares some polls done after the murder of the CEO of United Healthcare of the Gen Z’s and older people. Shockingly, the Gen
More Than the Cookies
Christmas gatherings for the Fitzgerald family would have been incomplete without Grandma Kay’s Peanut Butter Balls. She is long deceased, so I made them in