Be The Change
A few weeks ago, our parish started saying the Stewardship Prayer for a Stewardship Parish. Fr. Rich reads us the
A few weeks ago, our parish started saying the Stewardship Prayer for a Stewardship Parish. Fr. Rich reads us the
Fr. Rich recently visited a 98 year old man who raised his family Catholic and said if it wasn’t for
Fr. Rich shares some newspaper polls among Baby Boomers and Gen Zers. There seems to be a shift in our
Fr. Rich shares with us that the US has the lowest life expectancy. It stalls out at 77 years old.
Fr. Rich recently saw the new Gladiator movie. It made him think how our civilization has moved on from this
Fr. Rich shares some polls done after the murder of the CEO of United Healthcare of the Gen Z’s and
Happy New Year! If we look back at 2024 and reflect, am I any different than I was at the
Merry Christmas! Fr. Rich shares how we have a God that is not far away. People struggle but God came
Fr. Rich gives us two practical ways to prepare for this Christmas. He shares that Advent invites us to give
Fr. Rich makes an observation about Thanksgiving and how people have turned it into Friendsgiving. We have lost the reason
Today Fr. Rich was listening to Supreme Court in regards to the Transgender Case. They are looking to find out
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Fr. Rich shares two different studies on the way the generations see our country and our
Fr. Rich recently learned that humans are the only species that cry. We are social animals who are relational. We
Grizzly 399 was recently killed in a car accident. She was 28 years old and had 18 cubs over her
After yesterday’s election, NY state Proposition 1 passed. It is a call for us to recommit to a culture of
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7 pm Mass, Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Exposition
Ash Wednesday
7:30 am Mass
8:30 am Mass
12:00 pm Liturgy of the Word
4:30 pm Liturgy of the Word
6:00 pm Liturgy of the Word
7:30 pm Spanish Mass
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7:45 am Rosary
6:30 pm Rosary via Zoom
8:30 am Rosary
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4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Monday, December 16
2:00 PM — 8 PM
Friday, December 20
4:00 PM —7:00 PM
Monday, December 23
4:00 PM —7:00 PM
Christmas Eve, December 24
9:00 AM — 12 noon
Divine Mercy Chapel
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(845) 279-2021