Sept 22: Sunday Preview
Jesus is explaining his suffering and death to move forward the plan of salvation. The disciples question him. Their mindset
Jesus is explaining his suffering and death to move forward the plan of salvation. The disciples question him. Their mindset
This passage takes place at Caesarea Philippi which is North Israel. It’s the location of the pagan shrine to Pan,
In Mark’s Gospel we see the miracle of the healing of deaf man. We can pass over all these miracles—
This reading from the Gospel of Mark is a good example of Jesus zeroing in on the Pharisees. They were
This gospel reminds Fr. Rich of Cardinal Dolan’s Moto, To whom shall we go. In this reading, it is a
For us Catholics, the reading this week from the book of John is the most important chapter in our faith.
Fr. Rich explains this week’s Gospel from John — how often we hear people say, “It’s enough to be a
Fr. Rich shares how the Jews are looking to get something from Jesus in this week’s gospel. They had their
This week’s gospel is from John. It is the start of the Bread of Life Discourse and reminds us of
The gospel of Mark continues with Jesus sending out the apostles two by two. They are instructed to go out
Jesus tells the apostles to go out and preach the Gospel, bring nothing. This message relies on the authenticity of
In Mark’ s Gospel, Jesus is back in his home town. Fr. Rich draws an analogy from growing up in
The theme of this week’s Gospel is death and the fear of death. Jesus says do not be afraid. God
This weekend’s gospel is from Mark. There are two images used to describe the kingdom of God. First the man
We have probably all experienced at some point. In this week’s readings, relatives not recognizing Jesus when he was preaching.
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