Saint You
If you ask a person if they want to go to heaven, they will most likely say, “Yes.” Ask the
If you ask a person if they want to go to heaven, they will most likely say, “Yes.” Ask the
This weekend, the readings are meant to tutor us on love –God’s definition of love, not our limited and potentially
Unlike essay-writing high school students who fill paragraphs with needless words to meet teacher requirements, every word of Scripture is
10:30 am Mass
9:00 am Rosary
6:30 pm Rosary via Zoom
For Assistance Call
(845) 279-4832
5 pm Mass
7:30 pm Mass en Español
8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am Mass
12:30 pm Mass en Español
5:30 pm Mass
8:30 am Daily Mass
First Friday
7 pm Mass, Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Exposition
Ash Wednesday
7:30 am Mass
8:30 am Mass
12:00 pm Liturgy of the Word
4:30 pm Liturgy of the Word
6:00 pm Liturgy of the Word
7:30 pm Spanish Mass
Monday – Friday
7:45 am Rosary
6:30 pm Rosary via Zoom
8:30 am Rosary
For Assistance Call
(845) 279-2021
Watch Online
9:30 am Sunday & Holy Day Masses plus Seasons of Praise, check calendar for dates & times
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Monday, December 16
2:00 PM — 8 PM
Friday, December 20
4:00 PM —7:00 PM
Monday, December 23
4:00 PM —7:00 PM
Christmas Eve, December 24
9:00 AM — 12 noon
Divine Mercy Chapel
Perpetual Adoration
For Assistance Call
(845) 279-2021