St Lawrence – Sacred Heart

Polyamory is Adultery.


The last few years have seen a trend in articles in mainstream media about “polyamory”, which means “many loves” but is, in reality, a synonym for an old word with a negative connotation: Adultery.


Society (as well as the Christian faith) has for thousands of years seen marriage as a permanent union (“till death do us part”) and faithful and exclusive union (“forsaking all others”) that is open to the gift of children. Divorce has become more and more accepted, and now there is a push to accept “open marriages” where the spouses can have multiple emotional and/or sexual partners while remaining married. Efforts are made to show how this can work, how it is healthier for marriages, etc.  It is said that other partners can supply some of the needs of the spouse that one’s own spouse cannot.  


It is just adultery with a fancy new name. It doesn’t “work”, as few of those unions are lasting.  The balancing acts that are needed to keep it going eventually break down.  When there are children involved, they are hurt by the infidelity and lose respect for their parents. They learn that adult marriages are really just selfish arrangements where the only love is self-love.  


What a sad future we will have if this becomes the norm in our society. Our faith and good common sense teach us that marriage is a union of one man and one woman in an exclusive union for life and open to children. God knew what he was doing when he created us. 

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Sacred Heart

414 Haviland Dr, Patterson, NY

Sacred Heart
1st Friday

June 7th
7 pm Mass 

Regular Schedule


10:30 am Mass

9:00 am Rosary

6:30 pm Rosary via Zoom

For Assistance Call
(845) 279-4832

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

Sacred Heart 
First Friday

June 7th

7:00 PM Mass

Regular Schedule

5 pm Mass
7:30 pm Mass en Español

8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am Mass
12:30 pm Mass en Español
5:30 pm Mass 

8:30 am Daily Mass

First Friday
7 pm Mass, Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Exposition

Monday – Friday
7:45 am Rosary


6:30 pm Rosary via Zoom


8:30 am Rosary

For Assistance Call
(845) 279-2021

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9:30 am Sunday & Holy Day Masses plus Seasons of Praise, check calendar for dates & times

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY


4:00 pm to 7:00 pm 


4:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

Divine Mercy Chapel
Perpetual Adoration


For Assistance Call
(845) 279-2021