St Lawrence – Sacred Heart

March for Life! Uniting to Protect the Unborn

The March for Life event was very moving; to see people from all over come together in Washington DC, showing their support for the lives of the unborn children of God. 

Hearing people’s prayers, worshiping in the crowds, personal experiences, and the desperation in people’s voices to save these innocent babies is like no other experience I have ever had. 


Regardless of the snowy cold temperatures, toddlers to seniors, nuns to priests, brothers to sisters all came out to show how important it is to end abortion. 


I truly believe this had an impact on many who were there in person and watching on TV. This March for Life touched my heart because life is so precious, especially to the ones who are unable to fight for themselves, the unborn. so to be able to participate in this march helped me feel that I was helping to change the culture and save lives too.   


We pray that our faith in saving lives would touch the hearts of many who want to go forward with their abortion or of those who support abortion. Every life, heartbeat, and soul is a precious creation of God, and that is what we were all marching for. 


“Abortion ends a story that is God’s to write.” As long as we stand together and stand up for saving lives and ending abortion, no story will be ended but will be written and completed by God. 

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female He created them.

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Sacred Heart

414 Haviland Dr, Patterson, NY

All Saints Day

October 31
5:15 PM Sacred Heart


All Souls Day

November 2
9:00 am Mass of All Souls at St. Lawrence
will be offered for all the faithful departed of St. Lawrence & Sacred Heart Parishes

Blessing of the graves
St. Lawrence Cemetery
10:30 AM – 12 noon
Deacon Mark

Regular Schedule


10:30 am Mass

9:00 am Rosary

6:30 pm Rosary via Zoom

For Assistance Call
(845) 279-4832

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

All Saints Day

October 31
6:30 PM St. Lawrence
7:30 PM Spanish


November 1 (No confessions)
7:30 AM St. Lawrence
8:30 AM St. Lawrence
7:00 PM St. Lawrence


All Souls Day

November 2
9:00 am Mass of All Souls – St. Lawrence
will be offered for all the faithful departed of St. Lawrence & Sacred Heart Parishes


Blessing of the graves
St. Lawrence Cemetery
10:30 AM – 12 noon
Deacon Mark


Regular Schedule

5 pm Mass
7:30 pm Mass en Español

8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am Mass
12:30 pm Mass en Español
5:30 pm Mass 

8:30 am Daily Mass

First Friday
7 pm Mass, Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Exposition

Monday – Friday
7:45 am Rosary


6:30 pm Rosary via Zoom


8:30 am Rosary

For Assistance Call
(845) 279-2021

Watch Online

9:30 am Sunday & Holy Day Masses plus Seasons of Praise, check calendar for dates & times

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY


4:00 pm to 7:00 pm 


4:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

Divine Mercy Chapel
Perpetual Adoration


For Assistance Call
(845) 279-2021