St Lawrence – Sacred Heart

I have been thinking about Bartimaeus, the main character in last Sunday’s Gospel. One reason I keep thinking about him is because we know his name. We even know his father’s name, Timaeus. When the scripture writer uses a person’s name, it can be a sign that he wants to honor that person. There are many stories of Jesus healing blind men. We know some details about them, like where it happened and who else was present. We know that one was blind from birth, and another was possessed by a demon. We know that Jesus healed them in different ways: one time with mud, sometimes with touch, other times with words, but we don’t know any of their names. I think the Gospel writer, Mark, is telling us that Bartimaeus is important.


Our Lord’s words to Bartimaeus after the healing is curious too. We hear a variety of different instructions from Jesus in the Gospels after He heals people. Sometimes He tells them to go to the temple and show themselves to the priest. Other times He instructs them to go home. Often, He orders them not to tell anyone. Clearly, He has reasons for these customized instructions. But in Mark’s story of Bartimaeus, Jesus tells the formerly blind man, “Go your way.” I think it is key that Jesus doesn’t give Bartimaeus specific instructions. He prompts him to make his own decision and the Gospel tells us that Bartimaeus “followed him on the way.” We have no idea if the anonymous-formerly-blind men ever followed Jesus after their healing; we might conclude they didn’t.


In Jesus’ time and for many years after, there wasn’t a name for this new religion, and they called it The Way. People who followed Jesus’ way of life and his teachings were called “Followers of the Way.” The term “Christian” came along much later. Four years ago, when I started this column, I named it The Way because to be disciples of Jesus we need to follow his way – The Way – like Bartimaeus did. Bartimaeus’ strong faith inspired him to say to Jesus, “Master, I want to see.” Then, more than just his eyesight was healed. He abandoned an old way of life, has been referred to by name for over two thousand years, and will be known in heaven for his choice for all eternity. Jesus doesn’t order us to follow Him. He calls to us, and He heals us, then we have the choice to anonymously go back to our old way of life or follow Jesus’ Way – the way of healing and life – boldly for all eternity.


Scripture: Read Mark 10:46-52. What stands out?


Call to Action: We all are blind in one way or another. Let’s ask Jesus to help us see so we can follow him boldly and faithfully.

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31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

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Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY


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4:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Monday, December 16
2:00 PM — 8 PM


Friday, December 20
4:00 PM —7:00 PM


Monday, December 23
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9:00 AM — 12 noon

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

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For Assistance Call
(845) 279-2021