St Lawrence – Sacred Heart

Our eighteen pilgrims had big expectations heading out to Indianapolis: big crowd, enormous stadium and convention center, and big-name speakers. We soon discovered, however, that the enormity of it was not the size and quantity of the event, but the magnitude of grace that the Holy Spirit poured out on the leadership and guests. It clearly was God’s Congress. He invited faithful, receptive Catholics to work with Him and once they said, “Yes,” He instructed them how to run it.


An early breakout session that I attended was paneled by four event leaders. They had all been involved in the planning from the beginning and made it very clear that as they were brainstorming, they did not make any decision without first praying on it. Sometimes they would be in a meeting and get a new idea or be considering multiple options and one of the group would say, “Let’s go before the Blessed Sacrament.” Although our bishops haven’t run a congress since 1941, when facilities, technology, transportation, and communication were vastly different, they pulled off this landmark event almost flawlessly. That is the first sign that this was of God.


It can be challenging navigating a crowd of 60,000 men, women, teens, children, strollers, wheelchairs, and scooters and maintain a cheerful, charitable attitude. When we arrived and saw that the registration line ran for several blocks outside, then continued to weave inside through several huge convention spaces, we decided to use the time to develop our virtues of patience, fortitude, kindness, and self-control. We were in line over two hours, but God graciously placed a nun ahead of us who had traveled the eastern Eucharistic Pilgrimage path from New Haven to Indianapolis and had incredible stories to tell. Our fellow Catholics must have decided to nurture their virtues too because I never heard angry voices or confrontations; a second sign that God was in the hearts of the guests.


People participated physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the sessions, events, and Masses by listening, singing, praying, clapping and soaking in the beauty and communion of being surrounded so closely by Jesus and fellow Catholics. The Congress radiated a palpable energy of peace and joy that could have only been orchestrated by our loving Lord. Now 60,000 Catholics are returning home to teach their communities about God’s love. May our nation be transformed.


Scripture: Read Proverbs 3:5. What stands out?


Call to Action: Let us follow the witness of the leaders of this Congress and learn to pray before the Blessed Sacrament before making decisions.

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31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

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31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY


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Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

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