St Lawrence – Sacred Heart

We all knew kids in high school that didn’t bother to do their homework or study for tests. They thought their classes were a waste of time and they chose to focus on friends, sports, or activities, indifferent to how that would impact their postgraduation options. In college, there are always plenty of students that seem to be there just to party or major in subjects that will not lead to sustainable jobs. After four or more years, and tens of thousands of dollars invested, they graduate clueless on how to support themselves.


The workforce is filled with young adults who are busy with their careers, climbing corporate ladders and trying to prove to their bosses that they are indispensable. They squeeze in time to socialize on the weekends and take exotic vacations seemingly oblivious to the years passing by. One day they wake up and decide they want a family, but it is too late.


A lot of people do not take care of their health. When they were young, they could get away with behaving and eating anyway they wanted, so they didn’t take heed of the warnings on smoking, drugs, and the importance of healthy foods and exercise. But as the years creep by and the warning signs are ignored, permanent damage happens; they reach a point of no return with health issues and live out their final years or decades unnecessarily disabled.


From childhood onward, a well-lived life requires us to plan ahead. However, graduating high school without a plan, graduating college poorly prepared for a viable career, not finding time for a husband or wife and children, and not taking good care of our bodies may be disappointing, but they are not catastrophic. What is catastrophic is not planning for eternity.


Too many people live for today and do not think about what is going to happen when they die. The ultimate purpose of this life is to come to know God and prove to Him that we want to spend all eternity with Him. That is what Heaven is. Hell, in contrast, is all eternity without the presence and love of God. No one wants that, but if they never think about it, or plan for better, it may be what they get. As disciples, we want Heaven, and we want it for the ones we love. We must all prepare for our eternal future before it is too late.


Scripture: Read Proverbs 22:3. What stands out?


Call to Action: Talk openly with family and friends about dying and what happens after. Discussion about this inevitable reality is important and healthy.

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Sacred Heart

414 Haviland Dr, Patterson, NY

Regular Schedule


10:30 am Mass

9:00 am Rosary

6:30 pm Rosary via Zoom

For Assistance Call
(845) 279-4832

Ash Wednesday
5:00 pm  Liturgy of the Word

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

Regular Schedule

5 pm Mass
7:30 pm Mass en Español

8 am, 9:30 am, 11 am Mass
12:30 pm Mass en Español
5:30 pm Mass 

8:30 am Daily Mass

First Friday
7 pm Mass, Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Exposition

Ash Wednesday
7:30 am Mass
8:30 am Mass
12:00 pm Liturgy of the Word
4:30 pm  Liturgy of the Word
6:00 pm  Liturgy of the Word
7:30 pm  Spanish Mass

Monday – Friday
7:45 am Rosary


6:30 pm Rosary via Zoom


8:30 am Rosary

For Assistance Call
(845) 279-2021

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9:30 am Sunday & Holy Day Masses plus Seasons of Praise, check calendar for dates & times

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY


4:00 pm to 7:00 pm 


4:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Monday, December 16
2:00 PM — 8 PM


Friday, December 20
4:00 PM —7:00 PM


Monday, December 23
4:00 PM —7:00 PM


Christmas Eve, December 24
9:00 AM — 12 noon

Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

Divine Mercy Chapel
Perpetual Adoration


For Assistance Call
(845) 279-2021