St Lawrence – Sacred Heart

In this weekend’s first reading, the prophet Baruch refers to God’s glory six times. We all know the word “glory” and the rudimentary definition that we learned along the way. We hear it sung and see it printed abundantly throughout the Advent and Christmas seasons. But God Himself made it clear to the mystic St. Bridget of Sweden that we are incapable of comprehending his glory. I happened to read a reflection from this insightful saint where she asks God some age-old questions. I believe most of us have asked these questions too.


St. Bridget asked God in prayer, “Why do you not cause your glory to be seen by humans in this life so that they may more fervently desire it? [And] since your saints and angels are more noble and more holy than all other creatures, why are they not seen by humans in this life?”


God responded, “My glory cannot be spoken, and it cannot be compared to any other sweetness or goodness. Therefore, if my glory were to be seen as it is, then man’s perishable body would weaken and fail as did the senses of those who saw my glory on the mountain. And also because of the soul’s joy, the body would faint from its labor and would be incapable of physical activities. Therefore, because there is no entrance into heaven without the labor of charity, and so that faith may have its reward and the body may be capable of work, my glory is hidden for a time in order that, through desire and faith, it may be seen all the more fully and happily forever…


“As to why the saints are not seen as they now exist, I answer: If my saints were seen openly and visibly spoke, they would be honored as I myself; and then too, faith would have no merit. Nor would the frailty of flesh be strong enough to see them. Moreover, my justice does not will that such brightness be seen by such frailty. Therefore, my saints are not heard or seen, as they now exist, in order that all honor may be shown to me and that man may know that no one is to be loved above me.”


Scripture: Read Baruch 5:1-9. What stands out?


Call to Action: Pray on God’s words to St. Bridget this Advent season. Then ask our Lord to help you increase your desire and faith in Him, so you can experience his unimaginable glory forever in heaven.

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Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY


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4:00 pm to 7:00 pm

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2:00 PM — 8 PM


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Saint Lawrence O'Toole

31 Prospect St, Brewster, NY

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(845) 279-2021